​Chip Beta Release 0.9


-Added a quicker title screen load

-Areas are now labeled in games, giving better sense of direction

-Added a flag to mark the end instead of the starfruit

-Added dialogue to all NPCs and replaced where some NPCs were.

-Added a path back to the first area. 

-Added more animations for chip (Moving, falling, climbing and a better idle animation)

-Added walls to both sides of the hole from the minigame room


-Changed all hitboxes for collectables, NPCs, and Chip

-Changed the Z order of vines so they are now behind Chip

-Made the GUI more functional

-Swapped default text objects with BB text object. (More customizability)

-Made the lose screen and win screen more defined and better aligned

-Fixed the particles once more, they can no longer appear in  the air. 

-Changed the format of the minigame room slightly. (Shorts vines are slightly shorter but more frequent and hole has different wood pattern above it)


Itchbuild.zip Play in browser
Jun 23, 2021

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